by Adam & Lara on 11/12/11What are you doing for 11/11/11? If it's half as glorious as what we did then you, my friend, deserve a fancy wooden nickel.
The Cardinals won their 11th World Series in a legendary 7-game grind. The boys went completely berserk and celebrated like there would be no tomorrow, except for old Poops who needed his eyeballs intact for reviewing offers from the Marlins.
We drank 11 shots of Old McCallister's 7-month scotch and made 11 inanimate objects get all nasty and nekkid together.
The Easeys ate 11 pounds of kangaroo meatloaf. Picture left to right: India, Charles Manson, Tom. Imagine the meat-sweats that you'll get after eating that much roo-loaf.
Lara's spoon was too big.
And now we're off to Harvest Music Festival. You'll meet all of the Easeys in our next post.
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