by Adam & Lara on 06/27/10
It's bad Japanese translation time!
Anything that contains Porks * (Fishes + Chikines) better be thick.
What, what, and no thank you.
It was too late. Lara was totally over the handrail and had already moved onto a shiny new banister who treated her right.
Confusion is an emotion, so yes.
Welcome to the City Hotel NUTS, can I hold your bag for you?
All these t-shirts are just beating around the "I'm super Douchebag" bush.
Satisfies the greatest of apple-tites.
"Sorry, the Happy Relaxtime menu ends at 10:30am."
Not really a bad translation - just an unfortunate one. The Nazi's weren't the only group to degrade Japanese characters. After all, the Japanese symbol for elementary school is a confederate flag and the symbol for retirement home is a Chicago Cubs logo. It's just bad luck.
How do I unlock the toilet? Where is the key to the toilet? Can I use the toilet now? HOW DO I GET INTO THE F*CKING TOILET???
This establishment gave up on Engrish went straight to Jabonics.
And the all-time winner is:
A quick iTunes Store search yielded zero results in the Hard and Funky Punky genre.
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