Filler: Monkey Problem
by Adam & Lara on 10/22/10
Adam and Lara currently have a photo upload defecit, which means that even if we had been doing awesome things in the last month (we have been - why did you say it like that?) we wouldn't be able to show you. Hence, filler.
The last relics of the British empire:
- Coinage containing the queen's face, which can be found in countries that don't even speak English
- Fawlty Towers reruns, which can be found in countries that don't even speak English
- The Commonwealth Games, which just ended last week
Delhi 2010: Come out and get kidnapped and forced into a life as a beggar for the Indian Mafia. Oh no, wait, I mean come out and play.
We had never heard of the Commonwealth Games, but they're pretty big in countries that England used to dick around. In terms of the quality of competition, the Commonweath Games are a step below the Special Olympics and a step above North Glendale Elementary Track and Field Day.
Anyway, this year the games were held in Delhi. And Delhi, evidently, has a monkey problem. But fear not, because they had a brilliant monkey solution:
That's right. Bonnet monkeys, which are the "problem" monkeys in Delhi, are afraid of Langur monkeys, shown above. So, to make conditions safe for the influx of monkey-fearing white people, Delhi police hired trained Langur monkeys to keep the Bonnet monkeys in check. Great idea, but I guarantee you that Bonnet monkeys would be more scared of monkeys in little police uniforms:
I'm sorry - I'll drive slower from now on, Lieutenant Pickles.
And for that matter, they'd be even more scared of monkeys with guns:
No, Mister Binky, bad monkey! You're supposed to disengage the trigger lock first!
For filler you have to admit that this is some funny shit.