Happy Presidents Day!
by Adam & Lara on 02/20/12
Happy Presidents Day folks! After the big holiday season it's refreshing to be celebrating our first big secular holiday of the year - a day when we honor the people who have led our great country through ideals rooted in philosophy and logic instead of religious doctrine. After all, how could a melting pot like the United States ever be driven by the influence of a single religion? For Christ's sake, look at the colorful diversity of our 44 presidents - we got Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Quakers, Dutch Reformed (I didn't forget you, Marty Van-Bizzle) and even one wacky Catholic!
We thought that you might like to know what they think of Big-B Obamatron over in this part of the world. They like him. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard likes him too. Sources say she like-likes him. Here's what the Melbourne Herald Sun had to say about Obama's visit in November:
Julia Gillard and Barack Obama are a touchy pairing. Their hands, like disembodied life forms, seek out the other's shoulders and backs. When such targets are out of reach, digits settle on forearms or the nearest available body part.
We can't legally quote the rest of the article because Intuit Websites hosting service doesn't allow pornographic content. But you can read it here.
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