How to get your face on this blog : And now this is happening...
Back then, Lara had aspirations of becoming a world renowned romance novelist. Now she has no aspirations whatsoever.

How to get your face on this blog

by Adam & Lara on 07/09/10

How about we stop weirding you out with Japan pictures for awhile and talk about something that's at least happened in the last month.

Okay, it actually happened more than a month ago. But we're such interesting people that we're always about a month and a half behind when it comes to crazy stories about our adventurous lives. Did I say interesting? I meant lazy.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to get on our blog:

1. Send Lara Velveeta Shells and Cheese

2. Send Adam chew and beef jerky

The first big winner is Brooke Stein. Behold:

B-Stein ain't no shiksa.

It's no surprise that Brooke is the first person to do something great and awesome like this. In fact, you can thank her for this shit-fest of a blog because without Brooke there would be no Adam and Lara. Story time!

Once upon a time Brooke Stein was moving to San Francisco and so was Adam. Brooke and Adam were friends in college so they started looking for a place together. Brooke knew another apartment-hunting betch named Tammi, and both of them loved Albert Pujols so naturally it made sense for all 3 to join forces.

From left to right: Tammi, Albert Pujols, Brooke.

They found a dope apartment located at 757 Clayton Street, an address that later became known throughout the city as "Studio 757." The apartment was spacious, it had a backyard, the landlord was an 80-year-old man/raisin-goblin who was a life coach and taught sex workshops, and it was right down the street from the Gold Cane (see first review).

It even had a man cave.

At the last minute Brooke bailed on the apartment, leaving Tammi and Adam with a 3 person flat and a non-refundable $500 downpayment, citing "I just want to keep looking" as the main reason. Luckily, Adam's old fashioned friend Pete knew a guy who was also looking for an apartment in SF.

Not sure why Pete is holding a bag of fruit - his apartment had a hanging fruit basket. It also had a wicker basket glued to the ceiling.

Anyway, Pete's friend's name was John Stanley and to say the least he was a little rough around the edges. But Tammi and Adam were in a bind and this was their only option. So Tammi, Adam and John went on to live together in Studio 757. They lived there for 2 years and during the height of their power (known as the Yee Dynasty) composed the greatest Christmas card known to man:

Yes, John is wearing Budweiser pants. Yes, Tammi is wearing a Bud Girl tank top and boy shorts. Yes, Adam is completely naked.

In the meantime Brooke found some randos on Craiglist to live with in Russian Hill. Those randos happened to be Sam Jupponit Bartelloni and Lara Cirkovic. They all got along great because they shared a love for Velveeta Shells and Cheese.

Lara (guitar) and Sam (mic) also shared a love for holographic 80's cartoon rock. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous.

Not suprisingly, Brooke, Lara and Sam all got evicted about 8 months later.  According to them their "landlord was selling the building" and it had nothing to do with their rooftop pot farm. Anyway the three of them ended up moving right around the corner from Studio 757, into a quaint little bungalow called Casa De Carl. Because of their close proximity, it didn't take long for Adam and Lara to hit it off. And by "hit it off" I mean "became friends," because Adam's initial attempts to hit on Lara were completely struck down. But it worked out in the end, obviously - I mean you're reading our blog right now.

Actually, at this point you're probably just looking at the pictures.

So today we salute you Brooke Stein, for all you've done for us.

As for the rest of you, step it up. It's amazing how quickly a blog can become a vehicle for smack talk.

Comments (4)

1. Anna Sassareno said on 7/10/10 - 01:55AM
I would really like to know why Brooke Stein has your mailing address, but I have repeatedly asked for yours and still don't have it! Do you love Brooke Stein more than you love your little sister? It's okay if you do, but I want you to tell the truth about it. Also, it just hit me that you and I both made absolutely ridiculous Christmas cards independent of each other. Anna and I are thinking matching track suits for next year.
2. adam said on 7/10/10 - 01:25PM
i'm sorry - the truth is that brooke has our mailing address because she asked lara for it. i don't even know our mailing address. i have to ask lara for it. she refuses to give me our address because of my internet shopping addiction. she's protecting me from myself, really. as for the xmas cards, keep it up. it'll be hard to beat your shitzu-pomeranian baby jesus.
3. Bonny said on 7/10/10 - 07:10PM
The fact that both my kids created completely inappropriate christmas cards is of no surprise to me...In fact, it validates what I've suspected for a long time: they're becoming their mother...
4. Christy Nickel said on 7/11/10 - 12:24AM
How do I get to see the shitzu-pomeranian baby jesus and get put on the list for future "holiday" cards sent by the Saraceno offspring?

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click to see older, shittier blog
Sorry for being a jerk that one time.
Back then, Adam was a baby-faced young professional. Now he is a Sasquatch-faced... well... now he's Sasquatch.
Adam and Lara used to live in San Francisco where their pathetic lives were consumed by work, boozing and jockeying for social attention.
Nowadays everything is different. They don't work nearly as much.