'Merikuh in a Box
by Adam & Lara on 01/16/11
Praise Jeebus! Anna Saraceno just sent Adam and Lara a box choc-full-o-merikuh!
Anna (left) gazes into the eyes of her fiance Anna (right) who gave her a wonderful set of colored pens for Christmas, which were used to write a fantastic note to Adam and Lara, which was included in a care package that contained extreme amounts of 'Merikuh.
We're not just talkin' about trace amounts of 'Merikuh. We're talkin' about a holy-praise-Jeebus-go-Rams-Miley-Cyrus-shit-ton of 'Merikuh.
First and foremost, chew. Not just any chew, contraband chew. You see, chew is illegal in New Zealand, which is the key reason why Adam can't live there permanently. But now, thanks to Anna, Adam can chew on the down-low. That was so bro of Anna. So bro.
Contents from left to right: R&B mix CD, more chew, salvation pamphlet, stickers, dinosaur tattoos, Twinkies, McDonalds Happy Meal flying monkey toy, basketball, beef stick, Simpsons comic. There were also some Happy Cola gummy candies, but those were devoured immediately. It's the 'Merikan way.
Us 'Merikans take this stuff for granted. Others, like our flatmate Hannah, grow up in places like England where they don't have Twinkies (sad). Here is Hannah reading the contents of the Twinkies from Anna Banana:
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