Movin' On Up : And now this is happening...
Back then, Lara had aspirations of becoming a world renowned romance novelist. Now she has no aspirations whatsoever.

Movin' On Up

by Adam & Lara on 07/19/10

When you travel you learn things you thought you'd never learn before. Case in point - we learned the upper limit of time that two couples can comfortably cohabitate a 1-bedroom cabin with no insulation in the middle of Winter. It's about 1 month.

Cabin 30 had a great run. But we had an opportunity to jump ship and we did. Behold the 2-bedroom, fully insulated Cabin 117:

Don't be fooled by the street light - it's not on a street! Is YOUR house not really on a street? Movin' on up.

Okay it doesn't look that spectacular here, but it's pretty sweet. Come, let us show you around.

First you walk up a winding, icy staircase which could also be considered a luge depending on how many stairs you fall down on your way up. Does YOUR house have a luge? Movin' on up.

Our front porch is at the top of the staircase. Turn around and here is the view you get to the left:

Queenstown Hill. This is where the rich people live. Can you see rich people from YOUR house? Movin' on up.

And here is the view straight ahead:

OHHHHHH SNAP. Movin'. On. Up.

So yeah, good view. Also, the place came fully furnished, so we no longer have to use lawn chairs and we were able to throw away our dining table that Adam made from a cardboard box and an old twin bed frame.

Lara, a love seat, a coffee table and a big blanket. I smell SUNDAY MORNING TEXTING!!!

The kitchen has a medium sized fridge (no more mini fridge), a toaster, microwave, oven, water kettle and two burners that are actually built into the counter rather than built into the top of the weird oven/toaster/range at Cabin 30. And if that's not homey enough for you, it even has the cliche "French Canadian person making french onion soup" in it. Kim's baguette is just outside the picture.

It also has a wall-mounted heater (called a heat pump here, which is a term that can't be used in the States because Bonny Saraceno would make inappropriate jokes about it), a cast iron fireplace, a dehumidifier, an Electrolux vaccuum cleaner (top of the line in 1968), and a whole bunch of other shit that reminded us that more nice stuff is better than less nice stuff.

The heat pump is right above the love seats. It is constantly blowing. MUST RESIST JOKE.

Some people like copper buckets full of gold spray painted pine cones next to their fireplaces. Adam likes primer buckets and beer boxes filled with 1x2 pine off-cuts. You say "tomato," I say "I'm a f*cking man."

At our old place we had to drive to a laundromat and use coin-operated washing machines. Now we can stay at home and use a Lara-operated washing machine. For Adam the difference is driving and coins. For Lara there is no difference.

And one last thing to mention - we now have a TV and DVD player so we no longer have to speak to each other when we're in the same room.

Instead we speak to Chuck, who always talks back with attitude and you just get the feeling that he's up to no good, but you later find out that his intentions were noble. Movin' on up.

Comments (1)

1. Little Saraceno said on 7/19/10 - 09:24PM
I'm just SO happy you watch Gossip Girl.

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click to see older, shittier blog
Sorry for being a jerk that one time.
Back then, Adam was a baby-faced young professional. Now he is a Sasquatch-faced... well... now he's Sasquatch.
Adam and Lara used to live in San Francisco where their pathetic lives were consumed by work, boozing and jockeying for social attention.
Nowadays everything is different. They don't work nearly as much.